extensio et progressio / authentic e-learning
e-VVM Based Vaccine Management Course

e-VVM based vaccine management

By the end of this learning event, participants will be able to:

  1. Explain the relation between the VVM categories and reaction rates.
  2. Given five different situations over a time, observe and read status of four VVM types.
  3. Given five different situations, explain difference in VVM reactions rates.
  4. Given a situation of an international arrival, decide whether to accept or reject the shipment.
  5. Create a decision tree for examination of shipment on arrival to decide whether to accept it.
  6. Given a storage situation, analyze factors contributing exposure of vaccines to temperature exposure and suggest corrective actions to reduce the risks.
  7. Develop a standard operating procedure (SOP) for checking status of vaccines during their storage time.
  8. Given a stock situation with different vaccines, various expiry periods and batches and VVM status, decide which products to be dispatched against a requisition order.
  9. Create a decision tree for dispatch of vaccines involving all relevant factors.
  10. Given a situation of refusal of an in-country shipment, communicate the reasoning behind your selection of a particular batch with certain temperature exposure.
  11. Given two different scenarios of temperature exposure, expiry date, VVM status and opened/unopened multi dose vials, judge whether the vaccines are suitable for use.
  12. Given a stock situation of vaccines with different VVM status in open/unopened multi-dose vials and expiry dates, decide which vaccines to be used first in fixed immunization session and short/long outreach activities.
  13. Develop a plan of action to adopt VVM policies for national use based on the analysis of vaccine management practices in your own country.

Course objectives